Baseball Field Dimensions

Base Lines 60 ' 70 ' 80 ft. 90 ft.
Pitching Distance 44 ' 48 ' 54 ft.  60 ft. 6 in.
Home to 2nd Base 84' 10" 99 ' 113' 2" 127'  3"
Centre Field Boundary Min.: 200 ft./ Prefer: 225 ft. Min: 250 ft/Pref: 280 ft. Min: 250 ft/Pref:400 ft.
Foul Line Boundary Min.: 180 ft./ Prefer: 200 ft. Min:225 ft/Pref: 240 ft. Min: 250 ft/Pref:320 ft.
Backstop Setback 25-40 ft. 35-45 ft. 40-50 ft. 60 ft.  
Fence Setback 25 ft. 50 ft. 60 ft.
Coach's Box 8 ft. x 12 ft. 8 ft. x 16 ft. 10 ft. x 20 ft.
Coach's Box Setback 10 ft. 15 ft.
Batter's Box 3 ft. - 6 ft. 4 ft. x 6 ft.
Batter's Box to Home Plate 4 inches 6 inches
Pitcher's Plate 4 in. x 18 in. 6 in. x 24 in.
Max Height of Pitcher's Mound 6 inches 10 inches
Bases 0.38 m (square) - 15 inches (square)
Home Plate 0.43 m (wide) - 17 inches (wide)

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